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Tag Archives: Amazon Prime Video

[Review] “The Looming Tower” season 1: FBI Vs CIA Vs Al-Qaïda

The Looming Tower 2018

Dernière mise à jour : juin 8th, 2020 at 09:58 pmBased on the eponymous book by American journalist Lawrence Wright, Pulitzer Prize in 2007, the Hulu mini-series The Looming Tower by Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright discuss the FBI/CIA rivalry in the late ’90s while the threat Bin Laden and Al Qaeda was growing. The opinion of Bulles de Culture on The Looming Tower season 1, available on Amazon Prime Video from Friday, March 9, 2018 in France.

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[Review & Interviews] “Black Spot” season 1: A crime and fantasy television series

Zone Blanche saison 1 affiche

Dernière mise à jour : juin 3rd, 2021 at 04:59 pmWith Mathieu Missoffe’s Black Spot (Zone Blanche), let’s go to the imaginary city of Villefranche where there is no church, not always the telephone network and where the homicide rate is six times higher than the national average. Bulles de Culture’s opinion on this crime and fantasy TV series Black Spot season 1, now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

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